Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cobesters' Therapies

Some of you were wondering what The Cobesters' therepies are like. Well, here you go! These are pictures at a session of his physical therapy and a session of his occupational therepy. Speech therepy is no fun to take pictures of. His speech therapist works on stengthening his jaw and helping the muscles in his tongue and neck get the excersises they need in order to develope strength needed for speech developement. I don't have any pictures of his developmental therapy available either. It is about the same as occupational therapy--at least for now. It will change when he gets older. Regardless- aren't we so lucky to have these therapies and all of the dedicated people who help the Cobester?!? Cobester works soooo hard at his therapies! He is self-motivated, which is encouraging to us because one trait that most Down syndrome children share is lack of motivation- They naturally have low muscle tone, so everything is more challenging for them, making them not want to try as hard. Thankfully, Cobester has genetics on his side!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rubba Dub Dub 4 Men In A Tub!

The Cobester does NOT like taking baths by himself, so we decided to try something else. He was okay with this until Skater decided to start splashing.


Da Boyz think that it is soooo cool that if they swallow water melon seeds, water melons will grow in their tummies (thanks to dad and his tall tales!!!) However, this time, the water melon was not eaten to grow water melons in tummies, they wanted to make their mouths look like the Joker's(from Batman) mouth.


As it turns out, Deets has an unusual talent for making hats out of what ever he can find!!! In case you can't tell, the last picture is bubble wrap.

Like Father Like Son

One of the Cobesters' favorite things to do is to fall asleep on dad's chest. Good thing dad enjoys this because mom is a little too lumpy to be doing it!!!!

Dad Is An Artist!!!!

Pacos Bill and Tony Stark (Iron Man) are in the house!!

Rock Star!

It's official. Skater has been selected to joined the "Necked Brothers Band" !!!!


It's the most WONDERFULL time of the year!!!!! School has started and peace and quiet is in the air. We had an amazing summer full of swimming, hot dog roasting, parties with friends, water fights, building playhouses, and so much more! As fun as all this was, I am sooooo ready to have a schedule back, and have a little time to relax without kids running in and out of the house all day long. Oh, and for those of you who know how great this is for me--the boys get to ride their bikes to school!!!!!!! I am thrilled! Skater and I get some alone time while Cbug and Deets are at school and the Cobester is taking a nap. It is heavenly. Skater and I have developed a, much needed, closer relationship because of this time together. We watch "Sign Time" together which is a DVD created to help kids learn sign language. It is great!! I highly recommend it!!! The sign language is playing a duel role in our family. Skater has speech delays, and so the signing is really helping him, and the Cobester will, most likely, not start talking until he is 3 or 4. It is always nice to kill 2 birds with one stone. Our family has had so much fun learning the signs. We work on learning a few different signs each week for family home evening.