Saturday, November 15, 2008


I put the Cobester in his bumbo chair so that I could clean my room, and when I walked around the corner, this is what I saw. I grabbed a camera and snuck back around the corner before Deets knew that I saw him. Cobester is so lucky to have such great brothers!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween Pictures--Finally!

Our whole fam got into Halloween this year--Yes! Even Shane was a good sport. Cobster was Mr. T---I pitty the fool!

Skater was Indianna Jones--of which he was very proud. If any one asked if he was a cowboy, he was quick to protest--"NO! Anna Jones!"

Cbugs and Deets were Transformers-Bumblebee and Optimus Prime.
Shane and I were Cave people. Shane even carved his own club. It was awesome.I will add another picture that a freind took of us as soon as I get it from her.
And of course there was the pumkin carving.

They turned out sooooo great!

Very sCaReY!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another Touch Down For CBugs

CBugs had his final game of the season last Saturday, and he went out with a bang! He ran in the ball for a 40 yard touchdown and then made the 2-point conversion play following. Skater wants to play sooooo badly! He keeps saying "baby football" because CBugs keeps telling him that he can play on a baby football team--and of course, Skater believes him. When we got to CBugs' game, there was a box of extra flags and balls on the side lines, so Skater took the initiative to put on a set of flags and grab a ball and go running onto the field with the team. We had to chase after him to stop him from getting ran over! The bad thing is,he still has 4 whole years before he can play!!! Fantastic. How am I going to hold him back for 4 more years!?! I told Shane that he is going to have to coach next year so that Skater can at least practice with the team.