Monday, April 20, 2009

My Baby is 1!

Oh, I cannot believe that Cobee is one!! Where does the time go?!? He is cuter than ever! He is getting so grabby and mobile!! Before Cobee, I would have been thinking "Great! He is going to be into everything! Let's slow him down!!!" But with Cobee, I am all for him getting into everything! That is how he will learn! (Yeah, give me another few months and we will see how I feel about this last statement!) In all seriousness, it is a celebration with each bit of progress that he makes. We just got him sitting up from his side to his bum. We have been working on this for a couple of months now, and he is finally doing it! He is getting on his hands and knees and rocking. YEAAA Cobee! It won't be long before he starts to crawl. He is soooooo cute and fun!! Who would have ever known? He is digging into his first birthday cake and loving every minute of it! It was funny because he would lunge into it and grab fist-fulls of CHOCOLATE cake and frosting and then look around until he found me to see if he was going to get in trouble, but when he saw me laughing, he knew it was okay and so he went in for more!

1 comment:

Ceri said...

What a pretty cake waiting to be destroyed! I love that kid, he's too cute! Happy Birthday Cobee!